Photo of Julien Thibeaut or Ibelick

Julien Thibeaut

Design Engineer

Creating a shooting star border with Tailwind CSS and CSS

Recently, while exploring animated borders for a project (you can read my previous piece on animated border), one style caught my attention - a shimmering effect reminiscent of a shooting star. Today, we'll dive into creating this 'Shooting Star Border' using both Tailwind CSS and vanilla CSS.



Here is the HTML and CSS code to create the shooting star border.

<span className="spark__container">
<span className="spark" />
<span className="backdrop" />
<span className="text">Shooting star border</span>

button {
--transition: 0.25s;
--spark: 3s;
--bg: black;
background: var(--bg);
padding: 6px 18px;
display: grid;
border-radius: 9999px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
box-shadow: 0 1000px 0 0 hsl(0 0% 20%) inset;
transition: box-shadow var(--transition), background var(--transition),
transform var(--transition);
button:hover .backdrop {
background: rgb(20 20 20);
button:hover {
transform: scale(1.05);
.spark {
position: absolute;
inset: 0;
border-radius: 9999px;
rotate: 0deg;
overflow: hidden;
mask: linear-gradient(white, transparent 50%);
animation: flip calc(var(--spark) * 2) infinite steps(2, end);
@keyframes flip {
to {
rotate: 360deg;
.spark:before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 200%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
inset: 0 auto auto 50%;
z-index: -1;
translate: -50% -15%;
rotate: 0;
transform: rotate(-90deg);
opacity: 1;
background: conic-gradient(from 0deg, transparent 0 340deg, white 360deg);
transition: opacity var(--transition);
animation: rotate var(--spark) linear infinite both;
.backdrop {
position: absolute;
inset: 1px;
background: var(--bg);
border-radius: 9999px;
transition: background var(--transition) opacity var(--transition);
@keyframes rotate {
to {
transform: rotate(90deg);
.text {
z-index: 1;
color: rgb(203 213 225);

Here's a code breakdown:

  • button: This is the main container of the effect. It sets the core styles such as background color, padding, border-radius, and box-shadow. CSS variables are used for easy customization of transition time, spark animation duration, cut size, and background color.

  • .spark__container: This container holds the spark element that creates the shooting star effect.

  • .spark: This span element is absolutely positioned to cover its parent completely. It uses a linear gradient as a mask to create the spark effect and rotates infinitely due to the flip animation applied to it.

  • .spark:before: This pseudo-element creates the shooting star effect. It's larger than its parent, rotated, and filled with a conic-gradient background. Its opacity and rotation are animated, creating the illusion of a shooting star.

  • .backdrop: This span element serves as a backdrop behind the spark. It's positioned absolutely, with its inset defined by the --cut variable. Its background color changes when the button is hovered.

  • .text: This is the text displayed within the button. It is set above other elements by the z-index property.

  • @keyframes flip & @keyframes rotate: These are the animations that control the rotation of the spark and spark:before elements, giving life to the shooting star effect.

Tailwind CSS

If you prefer using Tailwind CSS, here's the equivalent code written as React component:

First we have to defined the keyframes and animation in the tailwind.config.js file.


module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
animation: {
flip: "flip 6s infinite steps(2, end)",
rotate: "rotate 3s linear infinite both",
keyframes: {
flip: {
to: {
transform: "rotate(360deg)",
rotate: {
to: {
transform: "rotate(90deg)",

Then, we convert all the CSS classes to Tailwind CSS classes and we can use animate-flip and animate-rotate to animate the spark and spark:before elements.

const ShootingStarBorder = () => {
return (
<button className="group relative grid overflow-hidden rounded-full px-4 py-1 shadow-[0_1000px_0_0_hsl(0_0%_20%)_inset] transition-colors duration-200">
<span className="spark mask-gradient animate-flip before:animate-rotate absolute inset-0 h-[100%] w-[100%] overflow-hidden rounded-full [mask:linear-gradient(white,_transparent_50%)] before:absolute before:aspect-square before:w-[200%] before:rotate-[-90deg] before:bg-[conic-gradient(from_0deg,transparent_0_340deg,white_360deg)] before:content-[''] before:[inset:0_auto_auto_50%] before:[translate:-50%_-15%]" />
<span className="backdrop absolute inset-[1px] rounded-full bg-black transition-colors duration-200 group-hover:bg-slate-800" />
<span className="text z-10 text-[#cbd5e1]">Shooting star border</span>


Having explored the creation of 'Shooting Star Borders', I encourage you to delve deeper into the world of shimmering borders. For further exploration, check out this comprehensive Codepen by @jh3yy. It showcases various examples of shimmer borders, complete with a checkbox to reveal the animation magic. @jh3y's innovative approach inspired me in implementing this effect. While I've demonstrated this on a button, you can easily adapt it to any other element such as a card or an input.

Published: 5/15/2023

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